Getting Started with Git§
There are a lot of pages on the web dedicated to Git, this page just shows a few random bits of information which might or might not help you getting started.
Git is a distributed version control system (DVCS) and it’s great!
That’s about all I’m gonna say about it in general, if you want to read more about it, have a look at the links at the end of this page.
Cloning a Repository§
To obtain the contents of a remote repository, you have to clone it. For example, to clone the repository where this very page was created from, do:
git clone
This will create a directory named like the repository (in this case
cd homepage
Checking the Status§
At any time, you can get the current status of your files with:
git status
Here you will see if there are changes to any files of the repository and if there are local files which are not yet part of the repository (see below for how to add files).
Getting Recent Changes from the Server§
If the repository on the server changed since you cloned it, you can get up to date with:
git pull
But be aware that if you made changes to your local files, this may lead to conflicts. It’s a good idea to always commit before pulling (see below how to commit changes).
Initial Setup§
Before you make your first commit, you should set up a few things (you have to do this only once):
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global
You may also want to set your favorite editor:
git config --global core.editor "gvim --nofork"
To enable colors in git log
et al.:
git config --global color.ui auto
And, if you want, you can set a few aliases for your convenience:
git config --global alias.s "status --short"
git config --global alias.c "checkout"
git config --global "log --oneline --graph --decorate"
git config --global alias.lola "log --oneline --graph --decorate --all"
With these aliases, you can use git s
to get a short status display (one
line per file) and you can use git c mybranch
instead of the significantly
longer git checkout mybranch
I find myself using checkout very often, so git c
saves a lot of typing.
If you type git lola
, you’ll see a nice and colorful ASCII display of the
previous commits and their tree structure.
All these options are stored in ~/.gitconfig
(or somewhere else
depending on your operating system).
You can also store settings on a per-project basis. Just drop the --global
option and the settings will be stored for your current Git repository in
Command Line Prompt§
When working with branches, it is crucial to know the currently active branch.
To show the current branch in the command line prompt, put this at the end of
your ~/.bashrc
(or wherever else you store settings for your shell):
# add git branch to prompt
PS1="${PS1%'\$ '}"'$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")'"\$ "
You’ll also see an asterisk, e.g. (master *)
, if your working directory is
dirty, i.e. if you have local changes which are not yet committed.
Committing Changes§
Any new files have to be added to Git control before you can do anything with them:
git add myfile.txt
Once you have done some changes, you can make a commit:
git commit -a
Here, your favorite text editor will be opened and you can (and should!) enter a commit message, describing the changes you have made. After you save the file and close the editor, the commit will actually be created.
A commit message should have a short (no more than 50 characters) one-line summary in the first line, then a blank line and then a more detailed description. Have a look at this note about commit messages.
Remember, a commit is a local operation in Git, so nothing was transferred to the server yet.
add before commit, staging area, local commits
Pushing Your Changes to the Server§
After one or several commits, you can push everything to the server:
git push
If you created a new online repository and cloned the empty repository, you
have to use this command the first time to set up the master
git push origin master
After that, git push
will suffice.
Creating and Switching Branches§
But you probably don’t want to do that yet. You’re probably not quite sure yet
if your changes are OK and you would like to wait with pushing them to the
branch. Probably you would like your colleagues to have a look at
your changes first.
That’s where branches come into the picture.
To see what branches you already have, type:
git branch
You’ll probably get something like this:
* master
This means you have only one branch which is called master
. This is
typically the default branch and most repositories have it but it is just a
branch as any other branch.
The asterisk marks the currently active branch.
You should also see this in your prompt if you did what I suggested in Command
Line Prompt.
You can switch between branches with git checkout
. But you don’t have
another branch to switch to … so let’s create one:
git checkout -b fix-typo
The option -b
combines creating a branch with directly switching to the
newly created branch.
Your local files didn’t actually change by switching to the new branch because
for now, the branches fix-typo
and master
are just two different names
for the same thing.
But if you now start committing changes, these commits will end up in the
branch while the master
branch will remain unchanged.
Let’s check our branch-related situation:
git branch
Which produces something like this:
* fix-typo
Now you can actually change something and then commit your changes:
git commit -a
more about branches?
Merging Branches§
more information about merging and potential merge conflicts
git mergetool
is really useful!
Setting up Vim + fugitive as mergetool
git config --global mergetool.fugitive.cmd 'gvim -f -c "Gdiff" "$MERGED"'
git config --global merge.tool fugitive
On macOS, you can use FileMerge (you need to have Xcode installed):
git config --global merge.tool opendiff
more advertisement for Vim and fugitive!
More Aliases§
Once you’ve worked some time with Git, you will realize that there are a few commands that you use very often. It’s easy to create aliases that make you type less.
I, for example, often use git rebase
and afterwards I want to ensure that a
fast forward merge is done (instead of a separate merge commit).
Therefore, I have to type git merge mybranch --ff-only
, which is quite long
and tedious to type. With the following alias, I can reduce this to
git ff mybranch
git config --global alias.ff "merge --ff-only"
Sometimes, after a git fetch
or git remote update
, I want to
fast-forward my local branch to its newly fetched remote branch.
With my previous alias, I could do git ff origin/mybranch
. This is still
too long, and Git should be able to automatically figure out which is the
correct remote branch. With the following alias, the command is reduced to
git ffu
git config --global alias.ffu "merge --ff-only @{upstream}"
I seldom use git pull
, because if there are new commits on both upstream and
locally, a merge commit will be created automatically. And I don’t like that.
To avoid a merge commit and to only actually merge if a merge commit can be
avoided (i.e. if a fast forward merge is possible), we can again use the
option --ff-only
. With the following alias, I only have to type
git pff
git config --global alias.pff "pull --ff-only --prune"
The additional --prune
option is very handy because it removes the remote
branches which were deleted on the server (which is not done automatically).
Ignoring Local Files§
, global ignore file with core.excludesfile
reference to
You can set per-file (or per-path) attributes if you create a file named
, for example like this:
*.bib diff=bibtex
*.cpp diff=cpp
*.h diff=cpp
*.htm diff=html
*.html diff=html
*.java diff=java
*.php diff=php
*.py diff=python
*.rb diff=ruby
*.tex diff=tex
*.pbxproj binary
GUIs for Git§
There are many GUIs for Git to choose from; I personally like gitg (available as Debian package with the same name) most but there are many more available (see
Getting Help§
To get help just use:
git help
You’ll get something like this:
The most commonly used git commands are:
add Add file contents to the index
bisect Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug
branch List, create, or delete branches
checkout Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree
clone Clone a repository into a new directory
commit Record changes to the repository
diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
fetch Download objects and refs from another repository
grep Print lines matching a pattern
init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
log Show commit logs
merge Join two or more development histories together
mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
push Update remote refs along with associated objects
rebase Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
reset Reset current HEAD to the specified state
rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index
show Show various types of objects
status Show the working tree status
tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>' to read about a specific
subcommand or concept.
Git and Subversion (SVN)§
Public Git Hosting Sites§
There are several free Git hosting services available, for an overview visit
More Documentation/Links§
The Pro Git Book (CC license):
Understanding Git Conceptually:
Git Quick Reference:
Git Immersion:
There are many different strategies and methodologies how to use Git, just have a look with your favorite search engine or try this:
There are also some nice videos:
I probably should write about these, too:
pushing and pulling branches
adding remotes
rebasing (see
interactive rebasing
git stash